YDP's Message


Assalamualaikum and Greetings.

Dear Website Visitors.

Thank God, because with God's permission and abundant blessings, we still have the opportunity to serve and carry out our responsibilities as a local authority to provide services to the people of Rompin District.

In an effort to deliver better service quality, the Rompin District Council always strives to implement improvements and transformations in line with the wishes of the stateholder, which is for the prosperity and well-being of the people.

In addition to ensuring the development of a quality life and environment for the community, sustainable development is adjusted in accordance with the Development & Strategic Plan of the Rompin District Council.

Rompin District Council is committed to providing the best service in line with its motto


At the end of the speech, I call on everyone to continue working together with the Rompin District Council in their efforts to make Rompin a City of National Development Transformation.

Thank you.

Yang Dipertua Majlis Daerah Rompin

Yang Dipertua Majlis Daerah Rompin


Rompin District Council,
26800 Kuala Rompin,
Pahang Darul Makmur.

General Line : +609 414 6677 / +609 414 6688

Fax Line : +609 414 6077

Email : mdrompin@mdrompin.gov.my

Operation Time : 8.30 am - 5.30 pm

Latest Update :

  •  Wednesday 05 June 2024 

Total Visitors :


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