List of Acts in use by Rompin District Council
Local Government Act [Act 171]
Street, Drainage and Building 1974 [Act 133]
Street, Drainage and Building 1974 [Act 133]
Architect Act [Act 117]
National Land Code Act
Environmental Quality Act 1974 [Act127]
Land Acquisition Act 1960 [Act 486]
Town and Country Planning Act, Amendment 2001 [Act 1129]
National Land Code [Act 56/1965]
Statutory and Local Authorities Pensions Act 1980 Amendment 2000.
Pension Trust Funds Act 1991
Employees Provident Fund Act 1991
Official Secrets Act
Financial Procedure Act 1957 Amendment 1972
Federal Constitution
Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act
Local Government Act 1976 [Act 171]